For Superior Quality and Service
We’re happy to acknowledge Manhattan Bride’s “BEST OF 2025” bridal vendors for their superior service and quality. Based on thousands of interactions with vendors throughout the bridal industry over the 25 years since launching Manhattan Bride, we salute these select vendors for being:
Outstanding … in their knowledge of their field and in their professionalism.
Reputable … in that we have received only positive comments from their wedding couples.
Reliable … in addition to being on time and on budget, they follow up with care and insight.
Given our confidence in their abilities, we stand behind Manhattan Bride’s “Best of 2025” bridal vendors with our commitment: if you experience a legitimate problem that has not been handled, contact us prior to your wedding, making sure to allow enough time, and we will do our best to resolve the issue before your wedding day.
In 1979 we launched our independent publishing company, and from our first issues we set high standards for admitting only select advertisers to our pages. This year, we chose the “Best of 2025″ after working closely with them to create features, ads, and other services for you, which permitted us to measure them against the high performance standards you require.
We found them to be … Trustworthy and knowledgeable … Open to discussion about creative ideas … Willing to work through difficulties and solve problems … to accommodate changes in plans, schedules, and other factors … Available for questions … and … Always professional in their approach.
We also turn to these “Best of 2025” wedding experts to help us select couples for our Real Weddings and to offer bridal planning advice on our Manhattan Bride website. We invite you to consider these accomplished bridal vendors, backed by our commitment to you, as you create your special day.
Hall of Excellence
Other organizations give a “Hall of Fame” award, which implies popularity. (We constantly get emails imploring us to vote for vendors so they can get one of those awards.)
But we wanted to do more — to look for and acknowledge “Excellence.”
Having worked with many of these vendors for years, we’ve watched certain ones whose pursuit of excellence was always outstanding, year in and year out. They are among the “Best of 2025” — but now, to acknowledge the many years of their all-around excellence that we’ve experienced, we’re proud to welcome them to this year’s “HALL OF EXCELLENCE.”
We’re inspired by their year-after-year commitment to the highest levels of service, integrity, and performance. They’ve earned their well-deserved stars ★ seen below.