Boulevard Designs ...

... Customized Invitations

Boulevard DesignsThe heart of Boulevard Designs is our personalized approach to design. I work closely with my clients to bring their own personal vision to life.

We spend time discussing color scheme, venue, and flowers, in addition to stories of the couple’s journey and the life that they plan to share together.

Boulevard Designs


The heart of Boulevard Designs is our personalized and customized approach to design. It’s very seldom that a client I’m working with will choose an invitation from my portfolio exactly as is. I work closely with my clients to bring their own personal vision to life. We spend time discussing color scheme, venue, and flowers, in addition to stories of the couple’s journey and the life that they plan to share together. With these informational tools in hand, it is then that I begin to create. A wedding day is truly an expression and reflection of the delighted couple, and every aspect of their day should reflect who they are.

There is a line in the film When Harry Met Sally which references Sally’s manner of ordering at restaurants. It reads as follows: “I just want it the way I want it.” Sally’s meal always comes out exactly the way she visualized it. My aspiration for Boulevard Designs is to provide my clients with a creative design that is truly unique and unlike any other, and distinct in a way that is personal only to them, exactly as they had envisioned.

Contact: Jennifer Gentile-Bruno
[email protected]


Manhattan Bride Best of 2021-2024

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    > Boulevard Designs | Your Personal Wedding Invitations

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