Zupcu Photography

Your Vision Is What We Discuss First ...

I’m your wedding photography guide
from start to finish, assisting with
your wedding day planning to ensure
a relaxing day, with time for
photography AND enjoying family and friends.


At Zupcu Photography your vision is what we discuss first, so I can understand your personality. I make sure you are comfortable and relaxed before the wedding day. With this in mind, I offer a complimentary Engagement Photo Session, just to get to know and understand each other before the wedding.

I’m your wedding photography guide from start to finish, assisting with your wedding day planning to ensure a relaxing day, with time for photography AND enjoying family and friends. My work has been described as a variety of styles, from traditional, photojournalism, and lifestyle, to modern simplicity, and has been shown in many museums, galleries, and publications. I am based in New York City and the Hudson Valley.

Contact: Ion Zupcu
[email protected]


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