MANHATTAN CLUB | Timeshare Rentals


... Timeshare Rentals

SellMyTimeshareNow can provide you and your wedding guests a full week’s stay in one of Manhattan’s most luxurious locations for less than most NYC hotels can offer …

The Manhattan Club, centrally located in Midtown, offers guests refined elegance and a multitude of services and amenities.

SellMyTimeshareNow can provide you and your wedding guests a full week’s stay in one of Manhattan’s most luxurious locations for less than most NYC hotels can offer. The Manhattan Club, centrally located in Midtown, offers guests refined elegance and a multitude of services and amenities.

Choose from a suite, junior suite, or 1-bedroom suite — each offering a kitchenette with microwave and fridge, complimentary WiFi, tons of added space, and spectacular views of New York City’s stunning buildings. With daily housekeeping and a concierge staff to help guests coordinate themselves to and from your wedding, a Manhattan Club timeshare rental is the perfect accommodation for your out-of-town family and friends.

All the weekly rentals on our privately owned and operated site,, are offered directly through current owners, meaning you can skip added room and admin fees. Visit our rental inventory today, or give us a call to see if your wedding dates are available!

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